Tuesday, May 15, 2007

IBS Symptoms

IBS Symptoms

I have been suffering for many years from Irritable Bowel Syndrome without knowing much about this ailment. IBS is not really a disease as such, but rather a collection of symptoms that are shared by between 25-million and 50-million people.

Despite the scope of the problem, the cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms is not something upon which the medical establishment agrees. There is no consensus about whether IBS is caused by abnormal functioning of the muscles in the digestive system, or the nerves that control those muscles. Whether due to malfunctioning motor nerves, sensory nerves, or a combination of both, the fact remains that individuals with IBS suffer from a malfunction of their intestines that causes them either to be too active or not active enough. Additional symptoms among some people with IBS are excessive gas, bloating, stomach or intestinal cramps, and pain. Another symptom of IBS is the feeling following a bowel movement that evacuation has not been complete. In some cases, IBS patients also report conditions that are not associated with the digestive system, including headaches, pain in the lower back, arthritis and pains in the chest that do not involve the heart.

There is a new treatment for the symptoms of IBS that is available in two different formula combinations, one for those who suffer primarily from diarrhea, and a different one for people whose main digestive dysfunction is constipation. The product, Bowtrol, is formulated from 100% natural ingredients. It is available without a prescription and, unlike some prescription medications, it does not lead to unpleasant side effects. Both Bowtrol formulas include Lactospore Probiotic, which helps build and maintain healthy intestinal flora. The difference in the two formulas is that one addresses the problem of diarrhea with Colon Control, while the other treats constipation with Colon and Parasite Cleanser to provide gentle stimulation and regulation to the gastrointestinal tract.